Cyber attack false flag blamed on North Korea

Window of opportunity shrinking

As Israel runs out of time to get a war on North Korea and Iran started, they are doing a frenzy of false flags. Straight after the Malaysian false flag, they launch the cyber attack false flag. This comprises several attacks. They blame North Korea for doing cyber attacks on 31 financial organizations. They also blame North Korea for cyber attacks on the South Korean subway system.

Israel is pressured for time because Syria is winning the war against the rebels and ISIS. So Trump was ordered to send 1,000 US troops into Syria a couple of days ago. Today, Israel launched attacks on Hezbollah in Syria. Israel has to ensure that the Syrian War is still going on when the war on Iran starts.

North Koreans are stepping up the pace of missile development, and its cycles of testing are getting closer together. It already has developed dry fuel technology for its rockets, which is a huge advantage for North Korea.

Iran is also getting better missiles from North Korea and Russia. Hezbollah sent a warning to Israel not to start aggressions or else their nuclear sites and chemical depots will be bombed by Hezbollah.

On top of this, the impeached president of South Korea, Park Geun Hye, has been thrown out and a peacemaker president is destined to take office in May. If this happens, this might cut off any chance of war with North Korea.

Lastly, but very importantly, they are in a race with time. Economic collapse is looming soon. Israelis must do the false flag attacks before the capitalist economies collapse.


From South China Morning Post

North Korean hacking group ‘Lazarus’ blamed for spate of international cyberattacks

PUBLISHED : Thursday, 16 March, 2017, 2:27p  UPDATED : Thursday, 16 March, 2017, 2:37pm

A North Korean hacking group known as Lazarus was likely behind a recent cyber campaign targeting organisations in 31 countries, following high-profile attacks on Bangladesh Bank, Sony and South Korea, cyber security firm Symantec Corporation said on Wednesday.

“This represents a significant escalation of the threat … This is a dangerous development” DAN GUIDO, CHIEF EXECUTIVE OF TRAIL OF BITS

Symantec said in a blog that researchers have uncovered four pieces of digital evidence suggesting the Lazarus group was behind the campaign that sought to infect victims with “loader” software used to stage attacks by installing other malicious programs.

“We are reasonably certain” Lazarus was responsible, Symantec researcher Eric Chien said in an interview.

The North Korean government has denied allegations it was involved in the hacks, which were made by officials in Washington and Seoul, as well as security firms.

US Federal Bureau of Investigation representatives could not immediately be reached for comment.

Symantec did not identify targeted organisations and said it did not know if any money had been stolen. Nonetheless, Symantec said the claim was significant because the group used a more sophisticated targeting approach than in previous campaigns.

North Korea targeted Seoul officials, railway system in cyberattacks, says South

“This represents a significant escalation of the threat,” said Dan Guido, chief executive of Trail of Bits, which does consulting to banks and the US government.

Lazarus has already been blamed for a string of hacks dating back to at least 2009, including last year’s US$81 million heist from Bangladesh’s central bank, the 2014 hack of Sony Pictures Entertainment that crippled its network for weeks and a long-running campaign against organisations in South Korea. Guido, who reviewed Symantec’s finding, said that it was troubling to see a hacking group focus on attacking banks using increasingly sophisticated techniques.

“This is a dangerous development,” he said.

Symantec, which has one of the world’s largest teams of malware researchers, regularly analyses emerging cyber threats to help can defend businesses, governments and consumers that use its security products.

North Korea suspected of hacking Seoul subway operator

The firm analysed the hacking campaign last month when news surfaced that Polish banks had been infected with malware. At the time, Symantec said it had “weak evidence” to blame Lazarus.

Reuters has been unable to ascertain what happened in that attack. Poland’s biggest bank lobbying group, ZBP, in February said the sector was targeted in a cyber attack, but did not provide further details. Government authorities declined comment on the incident.

Authorities in Poland could not be reached for comment late on Wednesday.
North Korean hackers among world’s best, says US General

Symantec said the latest campaign was launched by infecting websites that intended victims were likely to visit, which is known as a “watering hole” attack.

The malware was programmed to only infect visitors whose IP address showed they were from 104 specific organisations in 31 countries, according to Symantec. The largest number were in Poland, followed by the United States, Mexico, Brazil and Chile.


The Deep State/Neocons Have Taken Control Of Foreign Policy – Episode 1230b

VIDEO:The Deep State/Neocons Have Taken Control Of Foreign Policy – Episode 1230b Youtube

Segment re North Korea

VIDEO: ArchiveOrg


Mossad shows the same modus operandi in the North Korean false flag that it showed in the Vault 7 false flag

Mossad’s Vault 7 Conspiracy on CIA

VIDEO: Why Did Wikileaks Release CIA Vault 7 (IsraeliLeaks) Youtube

Wikileaks is Mossad, Assange works for Mossad

VIDEO: Wikileaks Fully Exposed (IsraeliLeaks) Youtube


Economic collapse – next section


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